November’s Seasonal Blue Moon Mix!

November’s Seasonal Blue Moon Mix!

I had no idea, but the official Full Moon on Sunday the 21st was actually what’s called a Seasonal Blue Moon! Apparently this is because there will be a total of 4 Full Moons this Fall Season (from September 21st through December 21st) and traditionally they call the third out of fourth moon in this situation a “Blue Moon.” Whatever the case, this Full Moon has taken us out of a New Moon that started with Venus Retrograde. While the shadow of Venus Retrograde will last until December 20th, when we get back to the almost 14 degrees of Scorpio when this Retrograde began in October (and also the same degree that we had our November New Moon on!). This may mean wrapping up loose ends of this Retrograde through the end of the year. But don’t worry, although Mercury will be Retrograde for a good chunk of December it should be Direct by the time New Year’s Rolls around this year! And the good news is that in 2011 we will have no Venus OR Mars Retrogrades to contend with so full steam ahead come January!


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