April Rains New Moon Mixtape!

April is a rather tempestuous month. One minute it’s gorgeous and sunny and the daffodils and snowdrops are beckoning from the ground and the next minute there is torrentially cold rain that just makes you want to go inside and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. So it is also that I think that this New Moon will provide a lot of vacillations. At this New Moon at 13 degrees Aries that occurred Sunday at 10:30 am EDT, The Sun and Moon, and Jupiter were all almost exactly opposite Saturn, the planet of Discipline and Limitations, while Mars, the planet of Action and Doing was almost exactly conjunct Uranus the planet of Unexpected Change both in Aries. In fact, there are 6 planets in Aries with this New Moon! The last new moon we had a stellium in Pisces and now we have one in Aries. But true to Aries need for action, this month will not be so tranquil I think, even though Mercury is Retrograde and will be until the 23rd. Saturn is the only grounding planet to be found, and with Pluto in loose Square between both Mars/Uranus, Sun/Moon/Jupiter, and Saturn on the other end, makes for a volatile combination. I also think with Mercury Retrograde, there is much we don’t know yet. And won’t know until later this month!

So get ready for a potential roller-coaster of a moon cycle (even if it’s just an internal one!). The “April Rains New Moon Mixtape” has a lot of drama in it to match! What is that they say, April drama brings May flowers? Something like that!


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