Spring Sunprint Art Project!

Although this week started off with Monday pouring rain, and we’re to have more rain (and potentially snow!) tomorrow, one of the nicest things about Spring is when the sun finally does peek it’s shy head out of the clouds and welcomes us. It’s not too soon to start your seedlings indoors in anticipation of warmer days ahead. I’ve also decided that on the Spring agenda should be trying to make some sunprints with this “Super Sunprint Kit” above from Terrain (also available elsewhere).

What better way to immortalize cherry blossoms, daffodils, and hyacinths of the season? Maybe even some peonies would be nice! Of course one needs a nice bright sunny day, as well as a willingness to experiment. What’s great about this project is that it combines artistic, crafty diy, as well as scientific elements, such as how long to expose the paper and the brightness of the sunlight. The good news is that if you experiment enough, you’re liable to have a nice collection of prints going. Then you can hang a whole series in your apartment or house carrying the excitement of Spring all year long!


  1. […] the walls this past weekend, as I hit up Ikea to get some inexpensive frames and put up a series of Sunprints that I did several weekends […]

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