A Beuys Holiday!

When I first saw these Antler Blanket, Antler Tree Skirt, and Antler Stockings, I was impressed by their understatement and artistry. Rarely in the glitzy and bright and shiny world of the Winter and Christmas Holidays does one see items that are simply and elegant and almost blend into their surroundings. Then I thought “Wouldn’t Beuys have loved this!” Indeed, if you know anything about Joseph Beuys and his art you would know his love of grey felt and the shamanistic aspect of his work. Which is why I Beuys would have approved as I can see him, wrapped in the Antler Blanket sitting next a fire somewhere in a cabin in the woods, contemplating his next artistic vision.

You might be neither an artist nor a shaman, nor be in a cabin in the woods, but I’m fairly certain these items would lend a touch of magic to any Winter holiday celebration!


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